Our online-shop sells AOSAC20 TROLLEY TRAY RACK 20X2/1GN,63MM PITCH-LW (Code 922044) from the famous brand Electrolux Professional - the best product for restaurant kitchen. This product is in Cook & Chill - Other Cooking - Accessories. Factory model is TR63AOS202. It can be found also as Product Number Code: 922044 and alias: 8PDD922044.
If you would like to - you can buy Electrolux Professional AOSAC20 with any country shipping from Hamburg, Germany. The price of this product does not include taxes and shipping costs. Production status of TROLLEY TRAY RACK 20X2/1GN,63MM PITCH-LW (Code 922044): IN DISTRIBUTION - product is manufactured and available for purchase. Shipping Status of AOSAC20: C - product is orderable. Fabricated in:ITALY. Customs classification of the product of TROLLEY TRAY RACK 20X2/1GN,63MM PITCH-LW (Code 922044): 9403901090.
To know the measurements of the TROLLEY TRAY RACK 20X2/1GN,63MM PITCH-LW AOSAC20: width: 927.00 mm, net depth: 716.00 mm, net height: 1,700.00 mm (716x927x1700 mm), it's: 62.00 kg. The measurements and weight of the Electrolux Professional TROLLEY TRAY RACK 20X2/1GN,63MM PITCH-LW packaging: if the dispatch is made within Europe: weight: 77.00 Kg, Europe width: 1,030 mm, Europe height: 1,890 mm. If transoceanic shipping, the size and weight are are otherent: depth: 600 mm, overseas height: 2,000 mm, overseas weight: 60.00 Kg.
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