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Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT (Code 928089, Alias 8AIX928089)

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Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S Product Features

Buy Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT (Code 928089) online at a favorable price (prezzo, prix, precio, preço).

Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S Specifications

  • Brand: Electrolux Professional
  • Model: AUTCOOL20S
  • WxDxH mm: 1x1x1 mm
  • Weight: 1 Kg
  • Alias: 8AIX928089
  • Factory Model: AUTCOOL20S
  • Customs_Class: 8419908590
  • Country of origin: SWEDEN
  • Net Weight: 1.00 kg
  • Net Width: 1.00 mm
  • Net Depth: 1.00 mm
  • Net Height: 1.00 mm
  • Europe Weight: 1.00 Kg
  • Europe Width: 1 mm
  • Europe Height: 1 mm
  • Overseas Weight: 0.00 Kg
  • Overseas Depth: 0 mm
  • Overseas_Height: 0 mm
  • Start-End Production: cancelled
Shipping status

Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S Shipping status

Some more about product AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S

We offer AUTCOOL20S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT (Code 928089) from the world's famous manufacturer Electrolux Professional - the perfect product for restaurants. In our catalogue this product is in section Industrial and Other Cooking - Industrial Cooking - Accessories. Factory name: AUTCOOL20S. The Product code is: 928089 and alias: 8AIX928089.

You are able buy Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL20S with worldwide delivery from Germany. The product price does not include taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Production status of AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT (Code 928089): IN DISTRIBUTION - equipment is in production program. Shipping Status of AUTCOOL20S: ask. Land of origin: SWEDEN. Customs classification code of AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT (Code 928089): 8419908590.

To know the proportions of the AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT AUTCOOL20S: width: 1.00 mm, net depth: 1.00 mm, net height: 1.00 mm (1x1x1 mm), weight: 1.00 kg. The measurements and weight of the Electrolux Professional AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 200LT packaging: if the shipment is made within Europe: weight: 1.00 Kg, Europe width: 1 mm, Europe height: 1 mm. If transoceanic shipping, the size and weight are different: depth: 0 mm, overseas height: 0 mm, overseas weight: 0.00 Kg.