Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT (Code 928087, Alias 8AIX928087)
Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S Product Features
Buy Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT (Code 928087) online at a favorable price (prezzo, prix, precio, preço).
Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S Specifications
- Brand: Electrolux Professional
- Model: AUTCOOL10S
- WxDxH mm: 1x1x1 mm
- Weight: 1 Kg
- Alias: 8AIX928087
- Factory Model: AUTCOOL10S
- Customs_Class: 8419908590
- Country of origin: SWEDEN
- Net Weight: 1.00 kg
- Net Width: 1.00 mm
- Net Depth: 1.00 mm
- Net Height: 1.00 mm
- Europe Weight: 1.00 Kg
- Europe Width: 1 mm
- Europe Height: 1 mm
- Overseas Weight: 0.00 Kg
- Overseas Depth: 0 mm
- Overseas_Height: 0 mm
- Start-End Production: cancelled
Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S Shipping status
Details about model AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S
We propose AUTCOOL10S AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT (Code 928087) from the famous fabricator Electrolux Professional - the good solution for restaurants. In our catalogue this product is in Industrial and Other Cooking - Industrial Cooking - Accessories. Factory model name: AUTCOOL10S. It can be found also as Product code: 928087 and products's alias: 8AIX928087.
You may place an order for Electrolux Professional AUTCOOL10S with any country shipping. The price does not include taxes and shipping costs. Production status of AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT (Code 928087): IN DISTRIBUTION - you can purchase this equipment. Shipping Status of AUTCOOL10S: ask. Region of fabriсation: SWEDEN. Product customs class code of AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT (Code 928087): 8419908590.
General proportions of the AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT AUTCOOL10S: width: 1.00 mm, depth: 1.00 mm, height: 1.00 mm (1x1x1 mm), it's: 1.00 kg. The weight and measurements of the Electrolux Professional AUTO COOLING SYSTEM-STEAM BOIL.PAN 100LT package: for European delivery: weight: 1.00 Kg, width: 1 mm, height: 1 mm. If transoceanic delivery, the size and weight differ: depth: 0 mm, height: 0 mm, weight: 0.00 Kg.