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We present EBAC48 WHIPPING TOOL FOR 150L (Code 928073) from the manufacturer Electrolux Professional - the perfect product for professionals. It is in Industrial and Other Cooking - Industrial Cooking - Accessories. Factory name: WHIPTLV150. It may be found also as PNC: 928073 and it's alias: 928073.
If you would like to - you can place an order for Electrolux Professional EBAC48 with any country shipping from Hamburg. The price of this equipment does not include taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Production status of WHIPPING TOOL FOR 150L (Code 928073): IN DISTRIBUTION - equipment is available for purchase. Shipping Status of EBAC48: C - product may be ordered. Country of creation: SWEDEN. Customs classification of WHIPPING TOOL FOR 150L (Code 928073): 8419908590.
To learn the size of the WHIPPING TOOL FOR 150L EBAC48: net width: 60.00 mm, net depth: 220.00 mm, height: 650.00 mm (220x60x650 mm), it weighs: 3.00 kg. The weight and measurements of the Electrolux Professional WHIPPING TOOL FOR 150L package: if the delivery is made within Europe: Europe weight: 3.00 Kg, Europe width: 80 mm, Europe: 660 mm. If transoceanic delivery, the size and weight are different: overseas depth: 240 mm, overseas height: 660 mm, weight: 3.00 Kg.
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