Recommending CAC46 COOKING GRID FOR SALAMANDER 800 MM (Code 283653) from famous european manufacturer Electrolux Professional - the good product for professionals. In our catalogue it is located in section Industrial and Other Cooking - Other Cooking - Salamanders. Factory name is GRID-TYPEG. You can find this model also as Product code: 283653 or the alias: 8SPL283653.
If you want to - you can order Electrolux Professional CAC46 with delivery to any country from Hamburg. The product price excludes taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Status of COOKING GRID FOR SALAMANDER 800 MM (Code 283653): IN DISTRIBUTION - model is manufactured and available for purchase. Shipping Status of CAC46: C - you can order this product. Region of origin: SPAIN. Product customs classification of COOKING GRID FOR SALAMANDER 800 MM (Code 283653): 8419908590.
How much space needs the COOKING GRID FOR SALAMANDER 800 MM CAC46: width: 440.00 mm, depth: 670.00 mm, net height: 150.00 mm (675x440x150 mm), weight: 1.00 kg. The dimensions and weight of the Electrolux Professional COOKING GRID FOR SALAMANDER 800 MM product packaging: for European delivery: weight: 2.00 Kg, width: 460 mm, Europe height: 180 mm. If the delivery is scheduled overseas, the size and weight differ: depth: 700 mm, height: 180 mm, overseas weight: 2.00 Kg.
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