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We recommend EBAC04 STRAINER 150L (Code 928026) from european brand Electrolux Professional - the best product for restaurant kitchen. In our catalogue this product is in section Industrial and Other Cooking - Industrial Cooking - Accessories. Factory model is STRAINER15. It can be found also as Product Number Code: 928026 and the alias: 928026.
You can buy Electrolux Professional EBAC04 with worldwide delivery. The model price does not include taxes and shipping costs. Production status of STRAINER 150L (Code 928026): IN DISTRIBUTION - you can purchase it. Shipping Status of EBAC04: C - you may order this product. Land of fabriсation of the model: SWEDEN. Customs classification of the product of STRAINER 150L (Code 928026): 8419908590.
If you want to learn the size of the STRAINER 150L EBAC04: net width: 900.00 mm, depth: 550.00 mm, height: 70.00 mm (518x819x49 mm), it's: 6.00 kg. The measurements and weight of the Electrolux Professional STRAINER 150L packaging: for European delivery: Europe weight: 6.00 Kg, width: 960 mm, height: 100 mm. If the delivery is transoceanic, the size and weight differ: overseas depth: 600 mm, height: 100 mm, weight: 6.00 Kg.
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