Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW (Code 922074, Alias 8PDD922074)
Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 Product Features
Buy Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW (Code 922074) online at a favorable price (prezzo, prix, precio, preço).
Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 Specifications
- Brand: Electrolux Professional
- Model: AOSAC41
- WxDxH mm: 410x712x33.5 mm
- Weight: 5 Kg
- Alias: 8PDD922074
- Factory Model: SLRACK0610
- Customs_Class: 9403901090
- Country of origin: ITALY
- Net Weight: 5.00 kg
- Net Width: 1.00 mm
- Net Depth: 1.00 mm
- Net Height: 1.00 mm
- Europe Weight: 5.00 Kg
- Europe Width: 720 mm
- Europe Height: 80 mm
- Overseas Weight: 9.00 Kg
- Overseas Depth: 460 mm
- Overseas_Height: 160 mm
Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 Shipping status
Some more about product SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW Electrolux Professional AOSAC41
We offer AOSAC41 SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW (Code 922074) from the brand Electrolux Professional - the perfect product for professionals. In our catalogue it is in section Cook & Chill - Other Cooking - Accessories. Factory name: SLRACK0610. It may be found also as PNC: 922074 and alias: 8PDD922074.
If you want to - you can buy Electrolux Professional AOSAC41 with worldwide shipping from Hamburg, Germany. The price of this equipment does not include taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Production status of SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW (Code 922074): IN DISTRIBUTION - equipment is available for purchase. Shipping Status of AOSAC41: C - product is orderable. Region of creation of the model: ITALY. Customs classification code of SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW (Code 922074): 9403901090.
To learn the size of the SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW AOSAC41: width: 1.00 mm, net depth: 1.00 mm, net height: 1.00 mm (410x712x33.5 mm), it weighs: 5.00 kg. The measurements and weight of the Electrolux Professional SLIDE-IN RACK+HANDLE FOR 6& 10 GN1/1-LW packaging: if the shipment is made within Europe: weight: 5.00 Kg, Europe width: 720 mm, Europe height: 80 mm. If overseas shipping, the size and weight are different: depth: 460 mm, overseas height: 160 mm, overseas weight: 9.00 Kg.