Selling AOS202GTG1 GAS COMBI OVEN (T) 20 GN 2/1 LW (Code 267705) from the world's famous manufacturer Electrolux Professional - the good product for professional cookery. This product is located in section Cook & Chill - Air-o-Steam Touchline - Gas. Factory name is AOS202GTG1. The PNC of this model is: 267705 or it's alias: 9PDD267705.
Electrical connection of the equipment: the device consumes 2 Kw at AC 230 V with a frequency 50/60 Hz, 1N phase connection. Gas power: 95 Kw.
You may purchase Electrolux Professional AOS202GTG1 with delivery to any country from Hamburg, Germany. The model price excludes taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Status of GAS COMBI OVEN (T) 20 GN 2/1 LW (Code 267705): IN DISTRIBUTION - you can purchase this product. Shipping Status of AOS202GTG1: B - product is available. Created in:ITALY. Product customs classification code of GAS COMBI OVEN (T) 20 GN 2/1 LW (Code 267705): 8419818090.
The size of the GAS COMBI OVEN (T) 20 GN 2/1 LW AOS202GTG1: net width: 1,107.00 mm, depth: 1,243.00 mm, net height: 1,795.00 mm (1243x1107x1795 mm), it weighs: 367.20 kg. The weight and dimensions of the Electrolux Professional GAS COMBI OVEN (T) 20 GN 2/1 LW product package: if the shipment is made within Europe: Europe weight: 432.00 Kg, width: 1,140 mm, Europe height: 2,050 mm. In case of transoceanic shipping, the size and weight differ: overseas depth: 0 mm, height: 0 mm, overseas weight: 0.00 Kg.
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