Electrolux Professional RU31 WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG (Code 880035, Alias 8VTX880035)
Electrolux Professional RU31 Product Features
Buy Electrolux Professional RU31 WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG (Code 880035) online at a favorable price (prezzo, prix, precio, preço).
Electrolux Professional RU31 Specifications
- Brand: Electrolux Professional
- Model: RU31
- WxDxH mm: 1290x600x800 mm
- Weight: 249 Kg
- Alias: 8VTX880035
- Factory Model: UW100BT
- WEEE directive product: Y
- Customs_Class: 84189990
- Country of origin: Italy
- Net Weight: 225.25 kg
- Net Width: 1290
- Net Depth: 600
- Net Height: 800
- Europe Weight: 265.00 Kg
- Europe Width: 1,350 mm
- Europe Height: 900 mm
- Overseas Weight: 0.00 Kg
- Overseas Depth: 0 mm
- Overseas_Height: 0 mm
- Electrical power: 6 Kw
- Voltage: 400 V
- Frequency: 50 Hz
- Phases: 3N
- Start-End Production: 881171
Electrolux Professional RU31 Shipping status
About model WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG Electrolux Professional RU31
Our online-shop offers RU31 WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG (Code 880035) from the brand Electrolux Professional - the good product for professionals. In our catalogue it is located in section Refrigeration - Blast Chillers/Frosters - Accessories. Factory name is UW100BT. You can find this model also as Product code: 880035 or alias: 8VTX880035.
Electrical connection of the equipment: the device consumes 6.58 Kw at AC 400 V with a frequency 50 Hz, 3N phase connection.
You may order Electrolux Professional RU31 with shipping to any country from Hamburg, Germany. The equipment price excludes taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Status of WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG (Code 880035): IN DISTRIBUTION - product is available for purchase. Shipping Status of RU31: ask. Country of origin of the model: ITALY. Product customs classification of WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG (Code 880035): 84189990.
The measurements of the WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG RU31: net width: 1,290.00 mm, net depth: 600.00 mm, net height: 800.00 mm (1290x600x800 mm), weight: 225.25 kg. The dimensions and weight of the Electrolux Professional WATER REMOTE UNIT FOR C/FREEZER CW 100KG product packaging: if the dispatch is made within Europe: Europe weight: 265.00 Kg, Europe width: 1,350 mm, Europe height: 900 mm. In case of transoceanic shipping, the size and weight are are otherent: overseas depth: 0 mm, overseas height: 0 mm, overseas weight: 0.00 Kg.