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Our online-shop offers TRAY40SE GREASE COLLECTION TRAY 40 MM (Code 922329) from the world's famous fabricator Electrolux Professional - the good product for restaurant kitchen. In our catalogue it is located in section Cook & Chill - Other Cooking - Accessories. Factory name is TRAY_40SE. You can find it also as Product Number Code: 922329 or alias: 8PDD922329.
You are able order Electrolux Professional TRAY40SE with delivery to any country from Germany. The price of this product excludes taxes and shipping costs. Status of GREASE COLLECTION TRAY 40 MM (Code 922329): IN DISTRIBUTION - you can purchase this model. Shipping Status of TRAY40SE: C - orderable. Produced in:ITALY. Product customs classification of GREASE COLLECTION TRAY 40 MM (Code 922329): 8419908590.
To know the size of the GREASE COLLECTION TRAY 40 MM TRAY40SE: net width: 580.00 mm, net depth: 340.00 mm, net height: 40.00 mm (340x580x40 mm), it is: 2.00 kg. The dimensions and weight of the Electrolux Professional GREASE COLLECTION TRAY 40 MM product packaging: if the dispatch is made within Europe: Europe weight: 2.10 Kg, Europe width: 620 mm, Europe height: 50 mm. In case of overseas shipping, the size and weight are are otherent: overseas depth: 0 mm, overseas height: 0 mm, overseas weight: 0.00 Kg.
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