We sell TCAC05 BASKET 2/1GN (Code 725007) from the brand Electrolux Professional - the best product for restaurants. This product can be found Cook & Chill - Thawing Cabinet - Accessories. Factory model is BASKET2/1. It is also known as Product code: 725007 and it's alias: 8AIX725007.
You may place an order for Electrolux Professional TCAC05 with any country shipping from Hamburg. The price does not include taxes and shipping costs (more about Shipping). Production status of BASKET 2/1GN (Code 725007): CANCELLED - you can purchase this equipment. Shipping Status of TCAC05: C - product may be ordered. Land of manufacture: SWEDEN. Customs classification of the product code of BASKET 2/1GN (Code 725007): 9403208090.
General dimensions of the BASKET 2/1GN TCAC05: net width: 530.00 mm, net depth: 650.00 mm, height: 70.00 mm (650x530x70 mm), it is: 1.70 kg. The weight and measurements of the Electrolux Professional BASKET 2/1GN package: if the shipment is made within Europe: Europe weight: 2.00 Kg, Europe width: 540 mm, Europe: 80 mm. If overseas shipping, the size and weight differ: overseas depth: 640 mm, overseas height: 120 mm, weight: 8.00 Kg.
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